Saturday, February 2, 2008

Name Change

So who would have thought, in this small little 'was once a town' that there would already be a business by the name that we picked for our reclaimed wood business, out of which hubby is making furniture.

So, we've named the furniture business after our farm-name. I just changed the name on our business cards and plan to show hubby here in just a minute. Right after I load the stove with some more wood, get milk for the toddler, and put his mittens on, then start a load of laundry, put the goats and pups out and grab a bowl of cereal.

We sold two pieces yesterday and got a lead on another house that is facing demolition.

God is good.


Bubba's Girl said...

I might be naive, but I don't know your farm name? I think its awesome that Ed is making and selling furniture!!! I'm envious of his seemingly endless talents.

Anonymous said...


What is this leisure time of which you speak?

my grateful button