At one point I'd lost track of how many were out in the pasture. I had a general idea but had not written down an exact number. When one is watching chicken tv this isn't the time for counting. It is a time for listening, watching and wondering exactly how big is a chicken brain? Go ahead, call me a chicken whisperer. Did I ever tell you about the time I sewed up a chicken's neck with needle and thread? For real. Ask my Mom, she'll tell you.
Some are more friendly than others. Some regard you with a suspicious eye and turn on their toes and point their fluffy feather bottom towards you when you move a muscle. Others hop right onto bended knee and look somewhat sideways at you while making a slow but deliberate "waaaaallllllkkkk" noise at you. It's almost a question, this "waaaaallllkkk" noise. The answer to which I've not found yet, but about a 1/3 of a coffee can full of lay crumble will usually quell it, if only for a little while.
Wing clipping day provided the counting opportunity that I needed. We lured them in to the henhouse with food and then closed their chicken door. I got the scissors, a bin to put the feathers in and Captain Strong Arms was the designated holder.
We officially have; 18 Red Stars, a hybrid super-layer made by breeding a Rhode Island Red with a Delaware hen or the likes. One Rhode Island Red Hen. One New Hampshire Red Hen. One Easter-Egger (Mrs. Featherbottom, one of my original hens), one game hen (Mrs. TopHat), one game-ameracauna hen (Ms. TopHat Jr.), one game-easter-egger-something-or-other (Ms. Henrietta, who came here carried in my sweatshirt, from Jimmy's farm), and one of my original Ameracauna girls (Mrs. GreenEggers) from the Biscoe fleamarket. Add to this my two OEBB-Red Bantams, their husband "Little Guy", the nicest speckled shy rooster ever to grace the henhouse here at Hope Farms, and their two daughters, "black girls." The most recent addition has been "Bert", my blue Cochin Rooster who I am determined to make a pet out of. He's not quite sure of my intentions but patronizes me adequately.
Running Total: 31
As if we were done. Sheesh, do you people know how in love with chickens I am?
There are three new children, in quarantine currently to make sure they are healthy and happy; Three Bantam Golden Seabrights. A Roo and his two ladies. As yet unnamed, but unbelievably gorgeous.
Then, to use the old cliche, last but not least are the six beautiful Blue Orpingtons compliments of some new friends that we willingly and loudly claim - Thank You for breeding these beautiful shy and yet simultaneously proud creatures. I am going to promise to enjoy them every single day. Even when it is muddy out there.
Grand Total: 40 Chickens to Whisper To. *remind me to tell you about the "bawlk bawlk" joke someday....
So, that's it. For today. And, I want you all to know that instead of doing my English homework, I blogged. So now I can cross that off of my to-do list for today.
A parting thought, compliments of a sticky note my mother left in one of the books she sent me:
"Just for today: there is enough love, there is enough time, and there is enough money".

Simply put-this is a blog about the city girl I used to be-the country girl I am now-and the things that are important to me. This is about the journey of life from the tiny to enormous and joyous bits in between. Here we are learning the hard way about gardening, homesteading, canning, solar-living, wood-cookstoving, animal husbandry and wearing out a lot of flip-flops along the way.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
one of my New Year's Resolutions was NOT blogging more often. Must add this to list. Which is somewhere in the middle of another list, which is at the top of the bottom list. Phew!
Let's see - it's late, or early, however you would like to view 2:11am - so I take very little responsibility for the soundness or lack thereof in this post.
I've been getting control of my house (which makes me not have that boiling over frustrated unfinished crazy feeling) and am getting A's in all my classes (oh yes, did I tell you I went back to school?) and winter is in full swing here. Mud, Ice, Snow have all been complimentary guests of Old Man Winter.
Not many out-of-town visitors lately, just the usual traffic through the revolving Hope Farms gate. I've had to politely bow out of play-dates and putting on Suppers and generally hanging out and chewing the fat with the neighbors and local members of the community because of the school thing and all.
Lots to talk about though as far as the exciting end of the year. I had a famous person in my house. Go ahead, Google him. "Louis Menendez".
more later (I promise, it will be towards the top of a list)
Let's see - it's late, or early, however you would like to view 2:11am - so I take very little responsibility for the soundness or lack thereof in this post.
I've been getting control of my house (which makes me not have that boiling over frustrated unfinished crazy feeling) and am getting A's in all my classes (oh yes, did I tell you I went back to school?) and winter is in full swing here. Mud, Ice, Snow have all been complimentary guests of Old Man Winter.
Not many out-of-town visitors lately, just the usual traffic through the revolving Hope Farms gate. I've had to politely bow out of play-dates and putting on Suppers and generally hanging out and chewing the fat with the neighbors and local members of the community because of the school thing and all.
Lots to talk about though as far as the exciting end of the year. I had a famous person in my house. Go ahead, Google him. "Louis Menendez".
more later (I promise, it will be towards the top of a list)
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